Poetry in Motion, January 2017

These photos were taken at the dress rehearsal. If you want to tag / comment on them, these photos are all on Facebook, via my profile.

If you are one of the dancers or choreographers and would like prints of any of the photos, email me with the photo numbers and I will send you full resolution versions or get them printed for you.

If you like these, you might want to look at my selected dance and general photography pages. I am always looking for models. If you are interested in modelling for me, please email me at duncan@grisby.org.

First Half
From the Wings
Second Half

Tech Rehearsal
Once Upon a Time
Dance Till You Drop
Spring Stroll
Belly Dance
Looking For Your Face
Who Do You Think You Are?
Charlie Chaplin
Were I Human
Dr Seuss vs Shakespeare
Where the Wild Things Are
El Conde
The Feminine Mystique
What If I Fall?
Crested Ibises / When I Left Away
Dance of the Winter Bird
Tam O'Shanter
Lady Macbeth
My Shakespeare
Violent Delights Have Violent Ends
06081945 / Hibakusha
The End

Please let me know what you think of my pictures by emailing me.

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