#!/usr/bin/env python # gameClient.py import sys, threading import CORBA, PortableServer import TicTacToe, TicTacToe__POA from Tkinter import * class GameBrowser : """This class implements a top-level user interface to the game player. It lists the games currently running in the GameFactory. The user can choose to create new games, and join, watch or kill existing games.""" def __init__(self, orb, poa, gameFactory): self.orb = orb self.poa = poa self.gameFactory = gameFactory self.initGui() self.getGameList() print "GameBrowser initialised" def initGui(self): """Initialise the Tk objects for the GUI""" self.master = Tk() self.master.title("Game Client") self.master.resizable(0,0) frame = Frame(self.master) # List box and scrollbar listframe = Frame(frame) scrollbar = Scrollbar(listframe, orient=VERTICAL) self.listbox = Listbox(listframe, exportselection = 0, width = 30, height = 20, yscrollcommand = scrollbar.set) scrollbar.config(command = self.listbox.yview) self.listbox.pack(side=LEFT, fill=BOTH, expand=1) scrollbar.pack(side=RIGHT, fill=Y) self.listbox.bind("", self.selectGame) listframe.grid(row=0, column=0, rowspan=6) # Padding Frame(frame, width=20).grid(row=0, column=1, rowspan=6) # Buttons newbutton = Button(frame, text="New game", command=self.newGame) joinbutton = Button(frame, text="Join game", command=self.joinGame) watchbutton = Button(frame, text="Watch game", command=self.watchGame) killbutton = Button(frame, text="Kill game", command=self.killGame) updatebutton = Button(frame, text="Update list",command=self.update) quitbutton = Button(frame, text="Quit", command=frame.quit) newbutton .config(width=15) joinbutton .config(width=15) watchbutton .config(width=15) killbutton .config(width=15) updatebutton.config(width=15) quitbutton .config(width=15) self.newbutton = newbutton newbutton.bind("", self.setNewButtonPosition) newbutton .grid(row=0, column=2) joinbutton .grid(row=1, column=2) watchbutton .grid(row=2, column=2) killbutton .grid(row=3, column=2) updatebutton.grid(row=4, column=2) quitbutton .grid(row=5, column=2) self.newGameDialogue = None # Padding at bottom Frame(frame, height=10).grid(row=6, columnspan=3) # Status bar self.statusbar = Label(self.master, text="", bd=1, relief=SUNKEN, anchor=W) self.statusbar.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=X) frame.pack(side=TOP) def getGameList(self): """Get the list of games from the GameFactory, and populate the Listbox in the GUI""" # To make life interesting, we get the game information # structures one at a time from the server. It would be far # more sensible to get them many at a time. self.gameList = [] self.listbox.delete(0,END) try: seq, iterator = self.gameFactory.listGames(0) except CORBA.SystemException, ex: print "System exception contacting GameFactory:" print " ", CORBA.id(ex), ex return if len(seq) > 0: print "listGames() did not return an empty sequence as it should" if iterator is None: print "No games in the GameFactory" return try: more = 1 while more: seq, more = iterator.next_n(1) for info in seq: # seq should only ever have one element, but loop # to be safe self.gameList.append(info) self.listbox.insert(END,info.name) iterator.destroy() except CORBA.SystemException, ex: print "System exception contacting GameIterator:" print " ", CORBA.id(ex), ex def statusMessage(self, msg): self.statusbar.config(text = msg) def selectGame(self, evt): selection = self.listbox.curselection() if selection == (): return index = int(selection[0]) info = self.gameList[index] try: players = info.obj._get_players() if players == 0: msg = "no players yet" elif players == 1: msg = "one player waiting" else: msg = "game in progress" except CORBA.SystemException, ex: print "System exception contacting Game:" print " ", CORBA.id(ex), ex msg = "error contacting Game object" self.statusMessage("%s: %s" % (info.name, msg)) def setNewButtonPosition(self, evt): self._new_x = self.master.winfo_x() + self.newbutton.winfo_x() + evt.x self._new_y = self.master.winfo_y() + self.newbutton.winfo_y() + evt.y def newGame(self): if self.newGameDialogue: self.newGameDialogue.destroy() self.newGameDialogue = toplevel = Toplevel(self.master) toplevel.transient() toplevel.title("New game...") toplevel.geometry("+%d+%d" % (self._new_x, self._new_y)) Label(toplevel, text="Enter name for new game").pack() entry = Entry(toplevel) entry.pack() entry.focus() entry.bind("", self.newGameEntered) def newGameEntered(self, evt): name = evt.widget.get() self.newGameDialogue.destroy() self.newGameDialogue = None if name == "": self.statusMessage("You must give a non-empty name") return try: game = self.gameFactory.newGame(name) except TicTacToe.GameFactory.NameInUse: self.statusMessage("Game name in use") return except CORBA.SystemException, ex: print "System exception trying to create new game:" print " ", CORBA.id(ex), ex self.statusMessage("System exception trying to create new game") return self.getGameList() def joinGame(self): selection = self.listbox.curselection() if selection == (): return index = int(selection[0]) info = self.gameList[index] pi = Player_i(self.master, info.name) id = poa.activate_object(pi) po = poa.id_to_reference(id) try: controller, type = info.obj.joinGame(po) if type == TicTacToe.Nought: stype = "noughts" else: stype = "crosses" pi.go(info.obj, controller, stype) self.statusMessage("%s: joined game as %s" % (info.name, stype)) except TicTacToe.Game.CannotJoin, ex: poa.deactivate_object(id) self.statusMessage("%s: cannot join game" % info.name) except CORBA.SystemException, ex: poa.deactivate_object(id) print "System exception trying to join game:" print " ", CORBA.id(ex), ex self.statusMessage("%s: system exception contacting game" % \ info.name) self.getGameList() def watchGame(self): selection = self.listbox.curselection() if selection == (): return index = int(selection[0]) info = self.gameList[index] si = Spectator_i(self.master, info.name) id = poa.activate_object(si) so = poa.id_to_reference(id) try: cookie, state = info.obj.watchGame(so) si.go(info.obj, cookie, state) self.statusMessage("Watching %s" % info.name) except CORBA.SystemException, ex: poa.deactivate_object(id) print "System exception trying to watch game:" print " ", CORBA.id(ex), ex self.statusMessage("%s: system exception contacting game" % \ info.name) self.getGameList() def update(self): self.getGameList() def killGame(self): selection = self.listbox.curselection() if selection == (): return index = int(selection[0]) info = self.gameList[index] try: info.obj.kill() msg = "killed" except CORBA.SystemException, ex: print "System exception trying to kill game:" print " ", CORBA.id(ex), ex msg = "error contacting object" self.statusMessage("%s: %s" % (info.name, msg)) self.getGameList() class Player_i (TicTacToe__POA.Player): def __init__(self, master, name): self.master = master self.name = name print "Player_i created" def __del__(self): print "Player_i deleted" # CORBA methods def yourGo(self, state): self.drawState(state) self.statusMessage("Your go") def end(self, state, winner): self.drawState(state) if winner == TicTacToe.Nought: self.statusMessage("Noughts wins") elif winner == TicTacToe.Cross: self.statusMessage("Crosses wins") else: self.statusMessage("It's a draw") self.toplevel = None def gameAborted(self): self.statusMessage("Game aborted!") self.toplevel = None # Implementation details def go(self, game, controller, type): self.game = game self.controller = controller self.type = type self.toplevel = Toplevel(self.master) self.toplevel.title("%s (%s)" % (self.name, type)) self.canvas = Canvas(self.toplevel, width=300, height=300) self.canvas.pack() self.canvas.create_line(100, 0, 100, 300, width=5) self.canvas.create_line(200, 0, 200, 300, width=5) self.canvas.create_line(0, 100, 300, 100, width=5) self.canvas.create_line(0, 200, 300, 200, width=5) self.canvas.bind("", self.click) self.toplevel.bind("", self.close) self.statusbar = Label(self.toplevel, text="", bd=1, relief=SUNKEN, anchor=W) self.statusbar.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=X) def statusMessage(self, msg): if self.toplevel: self.statusbar.config(text = msg) def click(self, evt): x = evt.x / 100 y = evt.y / 100 try: self.statusMessage("Waiting for other player...") state = self.controller.play(x, y) self.drawState(state) except TicTacToe.GameController.SquareOccupied: self.statusMessage("Square already occupied") except TicTacToe.GameController.NotYourGo: self.statusMessage("Not your go") except TicTacToe.GameController.InvalidCoordinates: self.statusMessage("Eek! Invalid coordinates") except CORBA.SystemException: print "System exception trying to contact GameController:" print " ", CORBA.id(ex), ex self.statusMessage("System exception contacting GameController!") def close(self, evt): if self.toplevel: self.toplevel = None try: self.game.kill() except CORBA.SystemException, ex: print "System exception trying to kill game:" print " ", CORBA.id(ex), ex id = poa.servant_to_id(self) poa.deactivate_object(id) def drawNought(self, x, y): cx = x * 100 + 20 cy = y * 100 + 20 self.canvas.create_oval(cx, cy, cx+60, cy+60, outline="darkgreen", width=5) def drawCross(self, x, y): cx = x * 100 + 30 cy = y * 100 + 30 self.canvas.create_line(cx, cy, cx+40, cy+40, fill="darkred", width=5) self.canvas.create_line(cx, cy+40, cx+40, cy, fill="darkred", width=5) def drawState(self, state): for i in range(3): for j in range(3): if state[i][j] == TicTacToe.Nought: self.drawNought(i, j) elif state[i][j] == TicTacToe.Cross: self.drawCross(i, j) class Spectator_i (TicTacToe__POA.Spectator): def __init__(self, master, name): self.master = master self.name = name print "Spectator_i created" def __del__(self): print "Spectator_i deleted" # CORBA methods def update(self, state): self.drawState(state) def end(self, state, winner): self.drawState(state) if winner == TicTacToe.Nought: self.statusMessage("Noughts wins") elif winner == TicTacToe.Cross: self.statusMessage("Crosses wins") else: self.statusMessage("It's a draw") self.toplevel = None def gameAborted(self): self.statusMessage("Game aborted!") self.toplevel = None # Implementation details def go(self, game, cookie, state): self.game = game self.cookie = cookie self.toplevel = Toplevel(self.master) self.toplevel.title("Watching %s" % self.name) self.canvas = Canvas(self.toplevel, width=300, height=300) self.canvas.pack() self.canvas.create_line(100, 0, 100, 300, width=5) self.canvas.create_line(200, 0, 200, 300, width=5) self.canvas.create_line(0, 100, 300, 100, width=5) self.canvas.create_line(0, 200, 300, 200, width=5) self.toplevel.bind("", self.close) self.statusbar = Label(self.toplevel, text="", bd=1, relief=SUNKEN, anchor=W) self.statusbar.pack(side=BOTTOM, fill=X) self.drawState(state) def statusMessage(self, msg): self.statusbar.config(text = msg) def close(self, evt): if self.toplevel: self.toplevel = None try: self.game.unwatchGame(self.cookie) except CORBA.SystemException, ex: print "System exception trying to unwatch game:" print " ", CORBA.id(ex), ex id = poa.servant_to_id(self) poa.deactivate_object(id) def drawNought(self, x, y): cx = x * 100 + 20 cy = y * 100 + 20 self.canvas.create_oval(cx, cy, cx+60, cy+60, outline="darkgreen", width=5) def drawCross(self, x, y): cx = x * 100 + 30 cy = y * 100 + 30 self.canvas.create_line(cx, cy, cx+40, cy+40, fill="darkred", width=5) self.canvas.create_line(cx, cy+40, cx+40, cy, fill="darkred", width=5) def drawState(self, state): for i in range(3): for j in range(3): if state[i][j] == TicTacToe.Nought: self.drawNought(i, j) elif state[i][j] == TicTacToe.Cross: self.drawCross(i, j) orb = CORBA.ORB_init(sys.argv, CORBA.ORB_ID) poa = orb.resolve_initial_references("RootPOA") poa._get_the_POAManager().activate() # Get the GameFactory reference using a corbaname URI. On a pre-CORBA # 2.4 ORB, this would have to explicitly contact the naming service. try: gameFactory = orb.string_to_object("corbaname:rir:#tutorial/GameFactory") gameFactory = gameFactory._narrow(TicTacToe.GameFactory) except CORBA.BAD_PARAM, ex: # string_to_object throws BAD_PARAM if the name cannot be resolved print "Cannot find the GameFactory in the naming service." sys.exit(1) except CORBA.SystemException, ex: # This might happen if the naming service is dead, or the narrow # tries to contact the object and it is not there. print "CORBA system exception trying to get the GameFactory reference:" print " ", CORBA.id(ex), ex sys.exit(1) # Start the game browser browser = GameBrowser(orb, poa, gameFactory) # Run the Tk mainloop in a separate thread def tkloop(): browser.master.mainloop() print "Shutting down the ORB..." orb.shutdown(0) threading.Thread(target=tkloop).start() # Run the ORB main loop (not necessary with omniORBpy, but may be # necessary with other ORBs. According to the CORBA specification, # orb.run() must be given the main thread. orb.run()